Our Founder's Vision

Women who face an unplanned pregnancy are often overwhelmed with fear. It takes courage to carry a baby to term when facing uncertainty and hurdles, in fact it may seem impossible. Our prayer is that more women will come to understand there is a second heart beating within their body at about the time they are beginning to suspect they are pregnant.  About the time the pregnancy is being confirmed there are measurable brain waves. They are already the mother of a developing child and the only question is what choice they will make. Too often, the obstacles appear to be insurmountable, and it seems the only solution is to end the pregnancy. 

There is an important message for those mothers. There is help and there are options!  We believe the very best option is at Mama’s House, in fact it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to learn how to conquer fears, face challenges, and get on track for success. Whether they choose to parent or place the child in a loving family through adoption, by working through our extensive and proven program, they will find courage within and leave prepared to face a brighter future full of newfound hope.

Yes, there is a place to go for help, a place where love lives, and it’s just around the corner!

If you’d like to sit down for coffee, tea or to just visit and know more – I would love to spend time with you. Please call, text, or email today and find out how you can become involved in making a difference in the lives of these precious mothers.

Jan Lupia
844-232-8622 extension 6

Challenges and successes, planning and projects, events and campaigns—we want to share the stories behind how God continuously works through Mama’s House to see lives forever changed.

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