Choose Life (video)

A baby's heart beat can be detected at just 22 weeks! Many times before the mother even knows she's pregnant!


Women who face an unplanned pregnancy are often overwhelmed with fear and hurdles. It takes courage to carry a baby to term and when facing uncertainty, it may seem impossible. There is an important message for these mothers: There is help and there are options … real choices! Whether they choose to parent or place the child in a loving family through adoption, they have the opportunity to find courage within themselves at Mama’s House. They will leave prepared to face a future with new found hope.

Our prayer is that more and more women will come to understand that there is a second heart beating within their body at about the time they are learning for sure they are pregnant. They already are a mother of a developing child, and our prayer is that they will choose life.

Please call today or leave us a note here and learn more … there is a place to go and it’s just around the corner.

Jan Lupia

Jan Lupia is the Founder and Executive Director of HEARTbeatAt22 and Mama's House. We are so happy to see you here on our website exploring what the Lord has been doing with our ministry!

Challenges and successes, planning and projects, events and campaigns—we want to share the stories behind how God continuously works through Mama’s House to see lives forever changed.

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