HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY, Mama’s House!
As we celebrate five years of helping women who are pregnant, with nowhere to go and no means of support, I would like to share the special story of that 1st day, July 27, 2013. We welcomed the first resident mama, and if there were a poster to share exactly what Mama’s House is about, Heather would be on it. A young woman who was 12 hours from a scheduled abortion, but chose life instead, in spite of opposition and great difficulties. As the 1st resident, she had her pick of all the bedrooms and selected what would become known as the “purple room.” This room was more than she could have possibly hoped for.

Receiving our 1st resident was wonderful, and who could have ever known it would get even better for my family? On that day at almost exactly the same time, our youngest daughter delivered her 2nd child and our 9th grandchild! The Mama’s House Team had been using an analogy of a pregnancy and impending birth, to descrbe the months of preparation since signing the lease on Mama’s House. There was so much to do, from decorating and fundraising to the agonizing details of licensing, policies, procedures, manuals, and personnel. The last months of the pregnancy are likewise the most difficult because you feel like everything is ready, but you must wait for the big day to arrive. What testing of our patience we endured, and then, our first resident mama arrived at the house and our daughter Sara gave birth 3 weeks early, yet both in God’s perfect timing, not ours. God never ceases to amaze me and He loves to delight His children - those who fervently seek Him and trust in His promises that never fail. He is good - so good - all the time.
All of us with Mama’s House have so much to be thankful for, especially as we reflect on this very special day when a child was born, surrounded by those who would love and adore her; and a beautiful young mother with child spent the first day she could remember without fear and full of newfound hope.
Let us forever be in awe of God’s matchless grace and perfect plan for all of our lives. As of today, 95 mothers and babies have resided at Mama’s House over these five years, resulting in changed lives and brighter futures! When these babies are rescued and the mothers restored, families are being reunited, communities influenced, and lives impacted for generations.
Come see what God is doing in this home where love lives!