Who Could Have Imagined?

Dear Friends of Mama’s House,

who could have imagined just weeks ago  …

that we would find ourselves today in this unprecedented situation. A time of uncertainty, doubt, sickness and death, striking fear into the hearts of millions of people in our great United States and around the world.  No doubt we will come through this, and though life will never be the same in many ways, we will be stronger for having endured such a difficult time together.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your families, those suffering and in need in our valley - and in our world!  It is our hope that many will  turn their faces toward God, who remains in control, and promises to be with us always.  Psalm 91 is a most beautiful passage that brings peace and comfort.

Please know that our precious mamas and babies, 

including 2 newborns, are all well! 

The two schools of nursing that work with us through clinical rotations, along with doctors and nurses who volunteer, implemented safety protocols for the flu season and because of that we were better prepared for what is taking place now. We are so thankful for them and all medical personnel on the front lines fighting this pandemic for all of us.

During these stay-at-home days, I have reflected upon God's grace and mercy to Mama's House, our residents, their babies, and our staff. My list of blessings grows longer every day as I think of you. My heart swells with good thoughts, prayers and gratitude for your friendship and continued support of Mama’s House.  

Who could have imagined …

 that a luncheon planned for 1,126 guests would sell out 3 months in advance of the event, before invitations were printed?  Looking back to that event, just six weeks ago, when Sarah Huckabee Sanders was with us, and because of your generous commitments, the luncheon - our major fundraiser - exceeded, by far, all of our previous events!  We had told you about a plan to expand last year, and suddenly, it  was no longer just our imagination, but a realization and an affirmation - that God was and IS leading us every step of the way! 

Who could have imagined …

that upon sharing our need to grow and unveiling the Expansion Project for Mama’s House at the February luncheon, you would be moved to donate and pledge so generously!  We now have about 90% of the funds needed to acquire our new property, with approximately $100,000 needed to be debt free as we begin Phase I of our beautiful campus.  The acquisition will give us a move-in ready 4 bedroom house on one acre,  serving up to 10 more residents and babies right away.  The details of Phases I, II and III are further outlined on our website and will take place over a 2-3 year period, enabling us to eventually serve more than 50!  God willing, escrow will close sometime late April - or early May, a date will be set once business resumes. Again, it’s all because YOU love the good work taking place at Mama’s House that is seeing lives changed and turned around toward a brighter future!  THANK YOU!  

“Now all glory to God who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20

Indeed, who but God could have imagined … 

Sun Stand Still author Steven Furtick says, “If we do the believing that nothing is impossible, God will do the achieving!”  He has done just that for Mama’s House through YOU, our faithful friends … and we believe the excitement and momentum will continue - especially once the property is secured!  In the meantime, we are praying for you to be well and safe, and we joyfully anticipate the day we can come together again!  Know this, you are loved and greatly appreciated!  

Jan Lupia and the Mama’s House Team, Mamas & Babies

Please call 844-232-8622 extension 1 with questions

Jan Lupia

Jan Lupia is the Founder and Executive Director of HEARTbeatAt22 and Mama's House. We are so happy to see you here on our website exploring what the Lord has been doing with our ministry!

Challenges and successes, planning and projects, events and campaigns—we want to share the stories behind how God continuously works through Mama’s House to see lives forever changed.

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